Here is my project for Brass Class: A Reynolds Cornet. I traced the serial number back to 1959. Its dirty, smelly, and corroded....
It has some cobwebs....
And a few (meaning many) dents....
But the pistons are nice...
The main tuning slide is stuck so I put on some corrosion cracker, hung it upside down and waited...
In the meantime I cleaned and chem flushed the other parts...
The slide was still stuck after a few days of putting on the penetrating oil so we put it in the Ultra Sonic Cleaner. The Ultra Sonic uses sound waves and a mild acid to clean out corrosion and dirt...
But, alas, it was still stuck...
So, I made a mold out of molding pellets which are very like epoxy putty. It hardens so you can hammer on it...
I put it in the crook and hammered... but nothing moved.
It was then time for drastic action...
Unsoldering the crook...
I then soldered a junk mouthpiece in one end and a brass rod in the other for handles to pull on.
The mouthpiece came out leaving the tube inside but the side with the brass rod pulled out the slide!
In after I got the other side of the slide out, I cleaned it then proceded to work on all the dents...
After all the dents were gone, I soldered the main tuning slide back together, then built the cornet parts around it so everything would work again...
I then buffed, degreased, and spot laquered the areas where I soldered and burned laquer away.
I finished my project with a lot of time to spare... I was very happy about that :)
Now it is all clean, shiney, and ready to go back to the customer...